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How can I find and replace the value of an xml node?

Firstly, I am new to XML and C# . I need some pointers with finding and replacing an xml node value.

I have an XML file which has a set of input parameters. I need to find a specific input parameter ( <parameter id="PRP_AsOfDate"> ) in the file and then update an associated value ( <UCDateEndGetString>27/06/2011</UCDateEndGetString> ).

This will need to done daily so I need to replace the <UCDateEndGetString> with a tag and replace that.

I have tried the following code but get an illegal character error.

Can anyone help please?

public string TestRequestDef()
        string reqtype = "Position";
        GetRequestDef getxml = new GetRequestDef();
        string xmlcall = getxml.GetXMLRequest(reqtype);

        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

        string newValue = "XXXX";
        XmlNode paraNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("parameters/parameter/UCValue/UCPitDateGetString");
        paraNode.Attributes[0].Value = newValue;

        return xmlcall;

I am using .Net 4.0 and C# .

Here is some of my xml file:

        <parameter id="PRP_AsOfDate">
            <label>As Of Date</label>
            <style type="Date">
                <UCPitDateGetString>26/06/2011 00:00:00</UCPitDateGetString>
                <UCPitDatePreviousGetString>26/06/2011 00:00:00</UCPitDatePreviousGetString>

I would give this article a quick read. Its very easy to follow and I believe it covers exactly what you are trying to accomplish.


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