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JTable Cell Font? (Java)

The program I am creating should work like Microsoft Excel , except in JAVA . It should also support cell formatting (Which is my problem). I have the code for detecting which cell is clicked, and what font to use working properly - I just can not figure out how to apply the Font to the cell! Google gave me CellRenderers , but it seems that cell renderers format the cell only when a condition is true . I want it to format with the specified Font it when it is called!

Can someone please help me, I am really confused !!!

I have already looked at the Java Tutorials .

My apologies if this question has been asked before!

this is what you are looking for,, this code snippet changes the font of all columns in a jTable.. I'm sure a slight modification should get your scenario covered.

for (int i = 0; i < jTable1.getColumnCount(); i ++) {
    TableColumn col = jTable1.getColumnModel().getColumn(i);
    col.setCellEditor(new MyTableCellEditor());

public class MyTableCellEditor extends AbstractCellEditor implements TableCellEditor {
    JComponent component = new JTextField();
    public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, int rowIndex, int vColIndex) {
        ((JTextField)component).setFont(new java.awt.Font("Arial Unicode MS", 0, 12));
        return component;

This will change the font for all cells in the table - even when new columns or rows are added:

JTable table;
Object dce = table.getDefaultEditor(Object.class);
if(dce instanceof DefaultCellEditor) {
    ((DefaultCellEditor) dce).getComponent().setFont([your font]);

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