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Adding Dictionary Key to a constructor in F#

Being as how I am new to F#, this may seem like some kind of elementary question. But here goes. I have a class with a constructor using the following code:

new () = { 
    _index = 0; _inputString = ""; 
    _tokens = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
        {"key", "value"}

Everything works except F# doesn't seem to allow me to add tokens to my dictionary. I can initialize it with a new Dictionary<> object, but if I try to populate, it throws an error. I also can't do it with the.Add member. I have seen examples of F# constructors initializing field values, but is there no way to execute other code maybe?

Because Dictionary has a constructor taking an IDictionary instance , you can use the built-in dict function to help you here:

open System.Collections.Generic

type Foo =
    val _index       : int
    val _inputString : string
    val _tokens      : Dictionary<string, string>
    new () =
            _index = 0
            _inputString = ""
            _tokens = Dictionary(dict [("fooKey", "fooValue")])

However, it's also possible to execute non-trivial code before or after your constructor's object initializer:

type Bar =
    val _index       : int
    val _inputString : string
    val _tokens      : Dictionary<string, string>
    new () =
        let tokens = Dictionary()
        tokens.Add ("barKey", "barValue")
            _index = 0
            _inputString = ""
            _tokens = tokens

type Baz =
    val _index       : int
    val _inputString : string
    val _tokens      : Dictionary<string, string>
    new () as this =
            _index = 0
            _inputString = ""
            _tokens = Dictionary()
        } then
        this._tokens.Add ("bazKey", "bazValue")

Ildjarn already answered your question, but let me just add a note about coding style - I think that most of the F# programs these days prefer the implicit constructor syntax, where you define one implicit constructor as part of the type declaration. This usually makes code a lot simpler. You could write something like:

type Bah() = 
  let index = 0
  let inputString = ""
  let tokens = new Dictionary<string, string>()
  do tokens.Add("bazKey", "barValue")

  member x.Foo = "!"

This defines a parameter-less constructor and private fields (eg index ). In your sample, this doesn't make much sense (because all fields are immutable, so index will always be zero). I suppose you probably have other constructor, in which case you can write something like:

type Baf(index:int, inputString:string, tokens:Dictionary<string, string>) =
  new() = 
    let tokens = new Dictionary<string, string>()
    tokens.Add("bazKey", "barValue")
    Baf(0, "", tokens)

Here, you get two constructors - one parameter-less and one that takes three parameters. You can also make the implicit constructor private and expose only more specific cases:

type Baf private (index:int, inputString:string, tokens:Dictionary<string, string>) =
  // (...)

As a side-note, I also changed the naming from _index to index , because I don't think that F# guidelines recommend using underscores (although, it may make sense for fields declared using val )

In F#, everything is an expression, so you can initialize _tokens like so:

open System.Collections.Generic
type Foo =
    val _index       : int
    val _inputString : string
    val _tokens      : Dictionary<string, string>
    new () =
            _index = 0
            _inputString = ""
            _tokens = 
                let _tokens = Dictionary() 
                _tokens.Add ("key", "value") 

The light syntax can trick you into thinking that let bindings and sequential expressions are statements, but if we write out the full verbose syntax for those expressions it's clear:

_tokens = let _tokens = Dictionary() in _tokens.Add ("key", "value") ; _tokens

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