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Using User Control in Master Page - Need Focus

This is the scenario:

I have a Master Page, In the Master Page I have a user control In the User Control there is a code that looks like this

<a id="p1" runat="server">
    <asp:Image ID="Img" runat="server" ImageAlign="AbsMiddle" Style="position:relative;
        bottom: 0px;" /></a> -<a id="p2" runat="server">
            <asp:Label ID="lblRate" runat="server"></asp:Label>

Now, when the user clicks on "Rates" it should focus on an item that is another User Control back in the Master Page.

How can I do this?, this is existing code and can not modify the current structure but what is currently happening is that when "Rates" is clicked it postsback with a parameter goto=rates but doesnt do anything.. I need to make so that when it is clicked it focuses on another UserControl in the Master Page. (but this "Rates" link is User Control too)

I tried in my Master Page the following

   if(Request.Params["goto"] == "rates"){ 

No luck, please help:(

So to recap:

MasterPage has UserControl -> UserControl has a link that postsback with parameter goto=rates -> back in the MasterPage I need to focus the screen on another UserControl.

I tried to be as clear as I could

Thank you

Looks like you have a not opperator where you should. You should change if(.Page.Postback) to if(Page.Postback) .

not all controls supports focus like this. for your user control, you may need build javascript to setup focus.

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