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Eclipse - showing full call stack (like when it hits breakpoint in debugger) without putting in breakpoints?

I'm working with a legacy Java app that is new to me so one way to figure out how it works and find things easier, I have thought would be to be able to get the full stack trace after I perform actions, so as to be able to see which classes are being used based on a particular UI action. I had thought this was possible in the debugger but it seems that it only works if I insert a breakpoint and in this case part of the purpose of this is so that I don't have to know what's being called to be able to insert the breakpoint first (as this would help tell me that).

I apologize if this is a basic question, I have searched on this but I'm not finding the correct answer.

This doesn't directly answer your question, but maybe it will solve your problem better. Take a look at BTrace . It lets you instrument a running Java app and insert some basic code of your own. You could, for instance, have it write out entire method call chains to help you find your way through the app. It's somewhat similar to AspectJ, but with an entirely different purpose and requiring no change in the project source:

"BTrace is a safe, dynamic tracing tool for Java. BTrace works by dynamically (bytecode) instrumenting classes of a running Java program. BTrace inserts tracing actions into the classes of a running Java program and hotswaps the traced program classes."

When you are in the debugger perspective, you will see a view showing the launched processes. In that view you can tell it to pause all threads of a process. Once stopped, you will be able to browse through threads to see what they are all doing. To try to catch what a particular action is doing, you would have to start the action and then quickly pause all threads.

You could always run the application with the VM arg of -verbose:class. You could then watch the console output and see what classes the VM is loading when you perform a particular action. This could possibly give you a starting place for where to place breakpoints. This won't always work depending on the scenario, but may be helpful.

Another trick you can use is to figure what classes you know that have to be involved in the code path you are trying to trap. For instance, you mentioned that it's a Java EE web app and therefore the action is likely some kind of a servlet interaction (at some level). I don't have the API in front of me, but you can place a breakpoint on the method in the response object where the output stream is retrieved. Once that breaks, you will know the code that's trying to service the request.

A few suggestions:

Some profilers will allow you to walk from any particular method up (and sometimes down) to see what's calling and being called. I've found this surprising informative about flow, even in apps I thought I knew well.

For understanding the mainline flow, I don't think there's a better substitute for working interactively with a debugger. It will lead you into learning other important things. Not what you wanted to hear, I know. This presumes that you can rapidly restart the app when you miss a key off-ramp.

Reverse-designing large legacy apps is the one place where I use UML fairly regularly. There's too much to keep in my head to form a good big picture. If you have a UML tool that will do reverse-engineering, load it up with the app, then probably prune down hard on the classes you don't care about, because they are trivial or obvious. Arrange the diagrams in a way that helps you understand. I've used Together, Magic Draw, and Visual Paradigm in this way. Together worked the best - but it was a decade ago.

You can always see where a method is called by clicking "Open Call Hierarchy" from eclipse (left click on the selected method or CTRL+ALT+H ). Also, you always can inspect where a method/class is defined by clicking "Open Declaration" (left click on the selected method/class or F3).

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