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a python stack for a simple webapp with xmlrpc and sqlalchemy

I'm looking for a nice python based framework that integrated well with xml-rpc and sqlalchemy.

I've investigated php based solutions already, and CodeIgniter + Doctrine has the features I need, but SQLAlchemy seems so much nicer than Doctrine, that I would prefer using it if I can get it integrated easily into an xmlrpc aware web framework.

Do you have any recommendations?

web.py is one of the simplest frameworks, that do not impose unreasonable restrictions on used components. If you need a tool that "integrates easily with X", then give it a try.

You can use this example of xmlrpc integration: http://webpy.org/tricks/xmlrpc
And this one, for sqlalchemy: http://webpy.org/cookbook/sqlalchemy

How about Pylons? http://pylonsproject.org/

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