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How to scan Annotations used in contracts written using COFOJA?

I am working on a project, where I have to write a contract for a method using COFOJA, and I have to generate code for method from the contracts using heuristics.

1) How will I be able to scan Annotations used in COFOJA like @ requires, @ensures etc? 2) IF I generate Abstract syntax tree, whether the AST will contain annotations / contract language also?

for ex: consider following input to my project

class Test{

@requires( { a> 0})
@ensures( {a==0 implies fact(a)=1 , and a>0 implies fact(a) = fact(a-1)*a } )

 public int fact (int a)



       // Output of first version of code: (Its a rough estimate of code,)

     class Test1{

  public int fact (int a)
    if (a==0)
   return 1;

     if(a >0)
      return a*fact(a-1);

      if(a<0) throw new AssertionException("Precondition failed/violated a<0 ");


         } // end of class

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