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Add new html attribute in the created TextBox element using Html Helper

I'm developing a webapp using ASP.NET MVC and C#. I created my TextBox element using Html.Helper(string, object, object ). Now my problem is, is it possible to add a new html attribute in the already created TextBox element, like a javascript event element?

Because I'm having a trouble using onchange event. Please see the code below,

<% foreach(var md in MD){%>
<div><%= Html.TextBox("tt"+md.id, md.id, new { onchange="changenow('dd"+md.id+"')"})%>

My changenow javascript function will update the database using ajax implementation. Now everytime the I load my page, the changenow will execute, so an added overhead everytime my page load. So I assume that the changenow function will not execute when I create a textbox.

What should I do so that the changenow function will not execute when I load the page?

Please advise.

Many thanks.

You can always use jquery.


function changenow(elem){
 $(elem).val(); //this will get you the value
  $(elem).attr('name'); // will get the name attribute
  $(elem).attr('id'); // will get the id attribute


If you want to add a property to an existing element using a listener, you can just do:

<... onchange="this.property='some value'" ...>

There is no need for huge scripts.

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