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C++ and Objective-c

i built a static library,and add the .h file to my project,

in all the class in the .h files,something like this :

class StartOp
    static void openFiles(WavInFile **inFile, WavOutFile **outFile, const RunParameters *params);
    static void setup(SoundTouch *pSoundTouch, const WavInFile *inFile, const RunParameters *params);
    static void process(SoundTouch *pSoundTouch, WavInFile *inFile, WavOutFile *outFile);
    static void detectBPM(WavInFile *inFile, RunParameters *params);
    int start(const int nParams, const char * const paramStr[]);

i got this error:

StartOp.h:18: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'StartOp'

**EDIT* *

i fix this problem by changing the file ex to mm. now i want to use this code and i want to call from this class ,this code is an c++ class that i want to call him from an objective-c class:

#ifndef _STARTOP_H_
#define _STARTOP_H_

namespace soundtouch

    class StartOp
        static void openFiles(WavInFile **inFile, WavOutFile **outFile, const RunParameters *params);
        static void setup(SoundTouch *pSoundTouch, const WavInFile *inFile, const RunParameters *params);
        static void process(SoundTouch *pSoundTouch, WavInFile *inFile, WavOutFile *outFile);
        static void detectBPM(WavInFile *inFile, RunParameters *params);
        static int start(const int nParams, const char * const paramStr[]);


to the static int start(const int nParams, const char * const paramStr[]);

method from my objective-c iphone app.

The code you posted is not C; it is rather C++.

Now, Objective-C and C++ can interoperate, but you need to use .mm extensions on the Objective-C side.

So if you are importing the .h. file into a .m file, you get obviously errors because the compiler is not expecting a class definition (C++). If you import the .h file into a .mm file, you have some chance that it will work (if all the rest is correct, I mean).

If you need more help, please provide more code, so that we can understand better what you are doing.

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