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How do you create a batch script that will delete the oldest files when a folder size limit is reached


You need to solve two problems.

First, you need to calculate the folder size. Use a code similar to this

set sz=0
for %%F in (%1\*.*) do (
  set /a kb = %%~zF / 1024
  set /a sz = !sz! + !kb!  
  echo %%F %%~zF !kb! !sz!
goto :eof

Second, you need to recognize older files and delete them until a size is reached

for /F "tokens=*" %%F in ('dir /A-D /OD /B %1\*.*') do (
  if !sz! geq !targetsize! (
    call :filesize %1\%%F
    del %1\%%F
    set /a sz = !sz! - !kb!
  ) else (
    goto :eof
goto :eof  

set /a kb = %~z1 / 1024
goto :eof

Putting all pieces together...

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /a targetsize=%2
call :foldersize %1
for /F "tokens=*" %%F in ('dir /A-D /OD /B %1\*.*') do (
  if !sz! geq !targetsize! (
    call :filesize %1\%%F
    del %1\%%F
    set /a sz = !sz! - !kb!
  ) else (
    echo Done... %1 size is now !sz! KB
    goto :eof
echo Not completely done... %1 size is still !sz! KB 
goto :eof  

set /a kb = %~z1 / 1024
goto :eof

set sz=0
for %%F in (%1\*.*) do (
  set /a kb = %%~zF / 1024
  set /a sz = !sz! + !kb!  
goto :eof

Test and test and test, as it does not move the files to the trash but it deletes the files permanently.

Also, you may want to specify /F option in case you have read-only files you want to delete.

In the case you have subfolders in the folder and you want to take those into the account of folder size and you want to delete the older files, things may get more complicated.

The calculation of the size is this

set sz=0
for /F %%F in ('dir /OD /B *.*') do (
  set /a kb = %%~zF / 1024
  set /a sz = !sz! + !kb!  
  echo %%F %%~zF !kb! !sz!
goto :eof

And deleting the older files.. you need to pipe the 'dir /S' command output to sort and sort by date. I feel tired to do it.

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