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Rails Arel and Active Record predicates

I might be lacking some understanding concerning Arel objects in Rails.

You can do something like:

u = User.arel_table

then and crazy query additions like:


(implicit .on(users[:user_id]) ).

But how do you convert an Arel relation to a list of Rails objects?


A better example is this. I just finished Michael Hartl's Rails tutorial where he does something similar to this in the Micropost controller:

  followed_ids  = %(SELECT followed_id FROM relationships WHERE follower_id = :user_id)
  where("user_id in (#{followed_ids}) OR user_id = :user_id", :user_id => user)

I hate the raw SQL. So I want to refactor, so far the best I have is this:

followed_ids  = Relationship.select(:followed_id).where(:follower_id => user) 
where("user_id in (#{followed_ids.to_sql}) OR user_id = :user_id", :user_id => user)

I used to add .map(&:followed_id).join(", ") to the Relationship select which also works but then you have all ids in memory instead of a short select statement for the db to process.

My issue is that it seemed that I needed to do a .to_sql to feed to where and make it happy, when it has everything it needs to return me my objects. I am thinking of switching to Squeel which can do the subquery nicely but I want to understand Arel.

Well you can do


But there's not much point in that since you can just do User.joins(:microposts) and get the same result. But if you have to create some more complex joins it could be handy.

Something like this can be useful though.


And remember while you can take advantage of some of the core Arel stuff in Rails, it's often better to stick to the simpler methods like .where(:name=>'John') or .where('name LIKE ?', 'John%') since Rails will turn them into Arel objects behind the scenes anyway.

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