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Disable the javascript and meta tag from other HTML page by using Javascript

I have one HTML files on one server and two files on different server, as below:

a.html - server 1

<html><head></head><body><iframe src="http://server2/b.html"></iframe></body></html>

b.html - server 2

<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */if (top == self ||  parent != top ||  document.location.hostname != document.domain) {  top.location.replace("c.html");}/* ]]> */</script>
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en" id="myworld" class="no_js"> 
<head><meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */if (top == self ||  parent != top ||  document.location.hostname != document.domain) {  top.location.replace("c.html");}/* ]]> */</script><noscript> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=b.html?st=1" /> </noscript>
</head><body>text is here</body></html>

c.html - server 2

<html><head></head><body>Please visit later.</body></html>

When I open http://server1/a.html , I am redirected to http://website2/c.html because it uses JavaScript and a meta tag for redirecting if the host is different.

What I want to do is: I don't want b.html to run its JavaScript at all for redirecting and the meta tag refresh to c.html .

How can code a.html to render b.html in my iframe only? So it should disable b.html 's javascript and meta tag.

It sounds like server 2 is a owned by a third-party and you have no control over it. Unfortunately the javascript you can see there is a 'frame breakout' script which is specifically designed to prevent the page from being embedded in a iframe, as you are trying to do.

One way around is to make an HTTP request directly from your web server to load page b , and then strip out the javascript and include it as part of your page.

Edit: You should really ask the other site's permission, as you are basically redistributing their content if you do this.

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