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javascript - disable hyper link of a html frame from the other html page

I want to disable the href link in this frame html file . I am able to get the element from other html file but I am not able to set attr or onclick prevent default.

<a id="StatusLink" href="/StatusFrame.html" target="detail"><i class="demo-icon icon-chart-line fa-fw"></i> System Status<span class="demo-icon icon-right-open-1"></span></a>


top.window.frames[1].document.getElementById("StatusLink").attr("href", "http://the.new.url");

TypeError: top.window.frames[1].document.getElementById(...).attr is not a function(…)

Thanks, Madhav

attr() is a jQuery method and you have a plain DOM element, so use Element.setAttribute() :

top.window.frames[1].document.getElementById("StatusLink").setAttribute("href", "http://the.new.url");

The above will work but it's more appropriate to set the property directly instead of through the attribute, so I would use:

top.window.frames[1].document.getElementById("StatusLink").href = "http://the.new.url";

If you are trying to disable the href then you can add a click handler to prevent default, and leave the href as is:

top.window.frames[1].document.getElementById("StatusLink").onclick = function(e){

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