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Need a Javascript library that supports loading animation scripts

Looking for a Javascript library that supports loading of a basic an animation file/script(could be in a XML format), so animation scripts can be downloaded on the fly and played to the user.

The application I'm building allows users to download an animation file from the web and allows the user to play this animation file.

I'm sure there are plenty around but can't seem to locate any.

There are lots of great animation libraries like jQuery animate or YUI Animation that has been used to build impressive stuff like Pipes . What do you mean exactly by:

downloaded on the fly and shown to the user

I decided to make my own animation format in the end. The $fx() library (http://fx.inetcat.com/) is what animation library I'm using since its very simple. Then basically made a turned it into a XML format and parsed it with jQuery and turn them into $fx() objects.

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