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JavaScript in CSS lost on postback (ASP.NET)

I am using the library 'CSS3 Pie' to allow me to use border-radius with previous IE a treat, by having the CSS style for the element like this:

border: 1px solid #122541;
border-radius: 8px;
-webkit-border-radius: 8px;
-moz-border-radius: 8px;
behaviour: url('../Content/Scripts/PIE.htc');

It works a treat, however when the page is postback (I am using an UpdatePanel if that makes any difference), the JS in PIE.htc that allows border-radius to work, doesn't fire so in previous IE versions the corners go back to being square.

What can I put in my Page_Load to essentially 'refire' the CSS on postback? Or is there another fix?

您可能会使用PIE的JS版本(链接: http : //css3pie.com/documentation/pie-js/ ),并在回发时调用如下脚本:

  Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "myScriptName", "<script>if (window.PIE) {$('.rounded').each(function() {PIE.attach(this);});}</script>");

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