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Inject dynamic script in Firefox extension

I'm doing an extension now and i have one part of script which is static (will never change) and another part which is loaded from the website. And, i'm seeing 2 ways:

  1. To load it with XMLHttpRequest and inject into web page
  2. To put it as a <script src="example.com/myscript.js"></script> and have it load it itself

But, the second way probably won't have access to my extension API (to functions defined in extension files, ie in chrome://myext/script.js )

And, the first way will probably be unsecure because i will have to eval the code in a gBrowser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject object which is a Window object for the loaded page

Any ideas?

Are you saying that you want the dynamic script to have chrome privileges? If so, why not load it using XMLHttpRequest, save it to disk and then import it as a JavaScript Module (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript_code_modules/Using). Obviously there are security considerations since you are giving a script from the web pretty much unlimited privileged, but if you control the script's source then you are presumably okay. If you are really worried you can use HTTPS to download the script, which will protect against someone intercepting the traffic.

If you want the code to run with content privileges but have access to functions in your chrome JavaScript, then maybe you want to expose the chrome functions to content as described in this article: http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/weirdal/archives/017188.html

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