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How to insert values into form fields on external page after it is opened from a link/button?

I am trying to find a way to do the following: From my admin site (internal), click a link from an account (that contains the username/password) and have it open a new site (external) that requires a login. Then automatically set the values of the username/password fields to the ones I pass from the admin site.

My admin site is PHP, the external site is ASPX, and I have knowledge in JQuery/AJAX, so any of those methods will work.


Here is what I have tried so far with jquery Code:

var newpage = window.open("URL",'blank');
newpage.myForm.elements["username"].value = 'Testing';

*Update - Can not edit the external page to use GET. Need to find a way to directly paste the username/password into the form fields on the external from the internal one.


You can pass the username and password as a query string and on the aspx page just get the values from the query string and populate the fields.

it is not a good idea to pass the username and password info from one site to another.

you can create the link like this

$passwd = md5("password");
<a href='http://example.com/login.aspx?username="testing"&password="<?php echo $passwd ?>' target="_blank" id="login">

once you open the page on the aspx just get the username and password values from the url and populate the fields. do a reverse md5 of password before populating

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