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java or php for developing database driven android app

I have an existing PHP MySQL web app that I want to make an android app for to look up account info, get status info for work orders, upload photos, etc.

I'm new to Android Dev and found a site phpforandroid.net that says I can use PHP to build android apps. 6 years ago I did a basic Java class n learned a little about Java, but not much.

I want to have a login to the app, then present a menu to drill further into heir account info.

My first choice would be PHP if the database interaction can happen, but I don't really know. Anyone else gone down the PHP db driven route, or is Java the way I should go? Any tutorials you would recommend?

What are the community thoughts? THanks.

Why don't you build a smartphone compatible website (ie with jQuery Mobile )? You could use your existing PHP knowledge and the app would run on any descent smartphone, not only Android.

How about a mobile version of your web app? You could make it work on other phone platforms, you'd have full control over the code, instant updates without bothering the end user.

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