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if size of array is greater than 1

I have an end of a link set, but I only want a portion to be used UNLESS the size of an array is greater than 1.

$closeLink='</a>'.'<a target=&quot;_blank&quot; href="'.implode('" rel="lightbox['.
$post->ID.']" class="single_image" title="'.$lightHtml.'<br />&lt;a href=&quot;'.
$desclinkurl.'&quot;&gt;'.$desclink.'&lt;/a&gt;"></a><a href="',$custgalarr).'"
rel="lightbox['.$post->ID.']" class="single_image" title="'.$lightHtml.'<br />&lt;a 
target=&quot;_blank&quot; href=&quot;'.$desclinkurl.'&quot;&gt;'.$desclink.'&lt;/

So everything after the part shown isolated below needs to only show if the size of the array $custgalarr is greater than 1:


I figure I need to use something like this after the closing a tag

if (sizeof($custgalarr) > 1){

Help me out, thanks in advance!


if (count($custgalarr) > 1)

function wordlength($txt, $limit)
   $words = explode(' ', $txt);
   foreach($words as $v)
       if(strlen($v) > $limit)
            return true;
   return false;

$txt = "1";

if(!wordlength($txt, 1))
    die("String is less than or equal to one.");


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