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export mysql query result to php and maintain leading zero

I want to export sql query results as table on an XLS file (or anything that can be opened as table on ms excel)

I've tried this one » PHP code to convert a MySQL query to CSV

however, it removes any leading zeros on the result

how do I maintain/preserve the leading zeros?

Add a single quote before the first zero, like that: '002

That mean you should maybe define which columns are text and which are numbers, and force every text columns to begin witha single quote. A number with 0 prefix is not a number but a text in this way.

假设您要在通过PHP MySql查询导出为CSV时将电话号码设置为“ 0”开头,只需将结果数据写入如下


have you seen this export lib which use a building block method like Google AppInventor?


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