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Multi selection ComboBox ,WPF

i want my comboBox to contain radio buttons as it's comboBoxItems for multiselection. the Xaml for that is :

<ComboBox Background="Transparent" x:FieldModifier="public" Margin="0,0,0,0" x:Name="comboBox_Errors" FontSize="11"  MinHeight="19" Height="Auto" MinWidth="150" BorderThickness="1">
                                        <RadioButton />

and this the code for trying this comboBox:

            ComboBoxItem c1 = new ComboBoxItem();
            c1.Content = "Error 1";
            ComboBoxItem c2 = new ComboBoxItem();
            c2.Content = "Error 2";
            ComboBoxItem c3 = new ComboBoxItem();
            c3.Content = "Error 3";
            ComboBoxItem c4 = new ComboBoxItem();
            c4.Content = "Error 4";
            ComboBoxItem c5 = new ComboBoxItem();
            c5.Content = "Error 5";

when i run the application , there is nothing in the comboBox...what is the problem? than you.

There is no need to create ComboBoxItem, just add the strings to the comboBox_Errors:

comboBox_Errors.Items.Add("Error 1");

Also, you need to ask the RadioButton to show something, the easiest way would probably be to do:

<RadioButton Content="{Binding}" />

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