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MYSQL position of row by order

I have had a look through google results, but can't find a simple answer, I have a table

id, points (and more fields, but they dont affect anything)

How would I go about Getting position of record 24(id) ordered by points DESC?

I'm not sure I've understood your question

select * from table order by points desc limit 23,1
Select Count(*) from (
Select ID from UnNamedTable A where A.points>(Select B.Points from UnNamedTable B where B.ID=24)

Are you trying to figure out out what place a user is in based on a points system? If so then just find how many users have more points than a particular user then add 1.

SELECT COUNT(*) + 1 AS 'position' FROM table WHERE points > 
   ( SELECT points FROM table WHERE id = someIDhere )

You could create a variable to keep track of your row position after sorting. Something like this would work:

select @rownum:=@rownum+1 ‘rank’, p.* from table1 p, (SELECT @rownum:=0) ID order by Points desc limit 10;

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