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Call a function when appending an input into DOM using jQuery

I have a page that appends and removes inputs from DOM using jquery. Some of them share a class ("numeric"). Once each input is appended, my code should call.numeric() to every new input with "numeric" class. I defined this block at the beginning of the code,

    .live('load', function() {

but load seems not to be related to appended nodes after DOM is loaded. Ready event isn't working either.

How could I do that? Thanks mates

Edit: I managed to solve this following @BGerrissen methods in a more general way. I already defined a wrapper for appending (which I called draw), and then each time I append anything, I trigger $(document).trigger('appended') , so it is easy to track anywhere. Then I use

     .bind('appended', function() {

To do what I need. Cheers

When appending inputs, fire a custom event as well.

var child = $("<input class='numeric' />");

Then you can hook events to it for your purpose:

    .live('appended', function() { // Use .on() method from jQuery 1.7 and up

NOTE: As of jQuery 1.7, .live() is deprecated. Use.on()

Or use a helper method for firing the event on append.

function appendAndFireAppendEvent( parentExpr , childExpr ){
    var child = $( childExpr );
    $( parentExpr  ).append(child);

// usage
appendAndFireAppendEvent( "#parentElement" , "<input class='numeric' />" );


You can also override jQuery's append() method to always fire the "appended" event.

var oldAppend = $.fn.append;
$.fn.append = function( el )
   oldAppend.call( this , el ); // DONT convert el to a JQuery object before passing it to oldAppend
   return $(el); // to allow chaining to work

But this will apply to ALL append() calls, wether you want it or not and might possibly break something as I've not investigated stability of this override.

I agree with BGerrissen by using custom events.

Regarding your question: If you're adding more html than just the input you could scan the whole html snippet like below:

var html = '';
html += '<div>';
html += '<input class="numeric" />';
html += '</div>';

var $html_to_add = $(html);

// add html to dom

if ($html_to_add.find('input.numeric').length > 0) {
  // trigger event   

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