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How to compare a range of local ip addresses to a public ip address in php?

How can I compare a range of local ip address to public ip address in php?

I would like to compare my IP adddress in Range or not. If it isn't in range, I want to echo "fail connected"?

$ipRanges = array(
  array( '' , '' ) ,
  array( '' , '' )

$theIP = ''; # Could be $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] for accessing IP address

$theIPdec = ip2long( $theIP ); # Converts from an IP address to an integer
$inRange = false;
foreach( $ipRanges as $r ){
  if( $theIPdec >= ip2long( $r[0] )
      && $theIPdec <= ip2long( $r[1] ) ){
   # IP is in this range
    $inRange = true;

if( !$inRange ){
 # No Matches to Ranges
  echo 'fail connected';

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