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Django ImportError

I created my own Django application with directory structure


Inside a.py I have the following import

from ..models import Something

This works okay if I have /appname inside my /djangoproject folder, but when I install the app to Python's site-packages (via setup.py which I created), all hell breaks loose and a.py can no longer import Something , with the following error:

ImportError: cannot import name Something

Here is the setup.py:

from distutils.core import setup

      packages=['appname', 'appname.contrib'],

It turns out that it was a circular import error. models.py was importing a.py and a.py was importing models.py .

Breaking this circle solved the import issues, but now it is time to figure out how to do lazy evaluation in Python :-)

Put empty file named: __init__.py inside /submodule1 so Python can parse it as module. It should help. The same in /appname - there should be also __init__.py file

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