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INSERT INTO database table, from form not working. SQL

lets get straight to my problem, the code I have written here does not write to my database and I cannot figue out why. At the moment I am simply trying to get to grips with php and sql so there is no point to this form other than learning. Here is the error i am getting(the first sentence 'connected to database' is from my if statement):

"Connected to databaseError: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''test' ('name') VALUES ('daniel')' at line 1"

The code I have may look a little confusing as some of it is from w3schools and some is from a friend. I cannot figure out why this code isn't working, I have tried many variations of the syntax based on loads of articles I have found online and on stackoverflow but none seem to work. I fear that maybe I am not even connectec to the database, although my if statement tells me otherwise, so that could be a problem?

Hopefully if this gets solved this question will clarify database connection and writing to a database from a form in one hit. Thanks in advance guys and here's my code.


<form action="insert.php" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="namefield" />
<input type="submit" />

PHP (insert.php)

$dbhost  = 'localhost';
$dbname  = 'carbon_db';
$dbuser  = 'username';
$dbpass  = 'password'; 

$con = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);

if($con == FALSE)
    echo 'Cannot connect to database' . mysql_error();
    echo 'Connected to database';

mysql_select_db($dbname, $con);

$sql="INSERT INTO 'test' ('name') 
VALUES ('$_POST[namefield]')";

if (!mysql_query($sql, $con))
    die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "1 record added";


Drop the quotes around the table name or change them to back ticks:


$sql="INSERT INTO 'test' ('name') VALUES ('$_POST[namefield]')";


$sql="INSERT INTO test ('name') VALUES ('$_POST[namefield]')";


$sql="INSERT INTO `test` ('name') VALUES ('$_POST[namefield]')";

It's often best to use backticks for MySQL as like any other storage engines it has it's own reserved names and it's own reserved insert practices.

try with

$sql = "INSERT INTO `test` (`name`) VALUES ('".$_POST['namefield']."')";

Change the single quotes surrounding the table name and the column name to backticks. Or get rid of them all together.

$sql="INSERT INTO `test` (`name`)  VALUES ('{$_POST['namefield']}')";

Also, don't reference associative arrays ( $_POST ) directly in a string without using {} syntax or breaking up the string - what you have done there issues an E_NOTICE and should be avoided.

Read this thoroughly - you'd be amazed what you can (and can't) legally do in PHP strings...

try using ` instead of ' when refering to table/column names

$sql="INSERT INTO `test` (`name`) 
VALUES ('$_POST[namefield]')";

Remove the single quotes around your sql statement and replace with back-tics (not sure even they are necessary):

$sql="INSERT INTO `test` ('name') 
VALUES ('$_POST[namefield]')";

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