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Plugins breaking vim mappings?

I just installed DelimitMate and CloseTag plugins for MacVim and they seem to have broken these two mapping in my .vimrc:

"F7 WordProcessorOn  

:map <leader>w :set linebreak <CR> :set display+=lastline <CR> :set wrap <CR> :setlocal spell spelllang=en_gb <CR>

"F8 WordProcessorOff  

:map <leader>c :set nowrap <CR> :set nospell <CR>

Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem could be? Thanks.

You can find out what is 'hijacking' the mappings by doing

:verbose map <leader>c
:verbose map <F8>


But likely your problem is with submappings firing: use

:noremap <leader>c .......

to prevent remapping

PS : consider mapping for specific modes ( nnoremap over noremap ); Being explicit avoids funny interfering mappings a lot of the time

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