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Vim per file mappings

I tried to put the following in my file header:

# vim:set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 expandtab:
# vim:map <leader>t :w\|:!./script.sh <cr>:

But Vim always complains about the map , saying that it's invalid. I also tried nnoremap with no success. What should I do to fix this (I want it in this file only)?

Modelines are only for options.

If you want this mapping only for that file, add this snippet to your ~/.vimrc :

augroup ThisFile
  autocmd BufRead,BufNew /path/to/file nnoremap <buffer> <leader>t :w\|:!./script.sh <cr>:
augroup END


It looks like you want a mapping for executing the current file. If so, you are really chasing the wrong rabbit, here, and also crashing real hard in the XY Problem wall.

You can use % as a synonym for "the file associated with the current buffer" so, assuming your script is executable, this command would execute it:


Therefore, you could simply put this generic mapping in your ~/.vimrc :

nnoremap <leader>t :w\|!./%<CR>

Note 1: See :help c_% for the meaning of % and in that context.

Note 2: The bar needs to be escaped when used in a mapping, see :help map_bar .

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