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set the timeout for a specific session

How I can set the timeout for a session specific in ASP.NET? it is possible? I have two or more sesions in my web application, I need set:

Session["foo"] //expire in 14minutes
Session["baa"] //expire in 30minutes

I'm wanting solve this case,if possible not using cookies.

Thanks in advance!

You can configure the timeout for a session in the Web.config file:

    <sessionstate mode="inproc"
                  timeout="14" />

This is the default mode (InProc) for ASP.NET. As rockinthesixtring said in his comment, you can't configure the timeout for individual objects in the session, just the session as a whole.

ASP.NET Session State Overview

Since other questions are being closed as duplicates of this question I would like to add this option here for people who may find it useful.

You can set the Session Timeout manually using the following:

Session.Timeout = 60

You can read more here:


for specific session lets say you want to make timeout for this session Session["foo"] =14 min you can do like this

DateTime timenow=DateTime.now;
DateTime timeafter14min=timenow.AddMinuits(14);


session not expired but cleared

       stateNetworkTimeout="10" //seconds
       cookieName="ASP.NET_SessionId" //Specifies the name of the cookie that stores the session identifier.
       timeout="20" //seconds



    <sessionState cookieless="true"
      regenerateExpiredSessionId="true" />

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