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How to remove duplicated title in crystal report via C# in windows form application

Please refer to the following picture. I have a dataset called dsCompanyRecords and the contents are shown in the picture. I wanna create a crystal report, but it generated a duplicated title, pls see the picture. How do I remove the duplicated line "RecordDate, In, Out, Balance, Comment"

The way I created the crystal report
1. create a dataset called dsCompanyRecords.xsd
2. put a table in dsCompanyRecords.xsd, the columns are "ID, Company, CompanyId, Country,RecordsDate, In, Out, Balance, Comment"
3. create a crystal report called rptCompany.rpt
4. Adjust the layout in crystal report
5. Coding in source file,

  dsCompanyRecords ds = new dsCompanyRecords();  
  sqlDA.Fill(ds,"TCompany"); //Fill the dsCompanyRecords from my database
  ReportDocument myReport = new ReportDocument();
  crystalReportViewer.ReportSource = myReport;

dsCompanyRecords has one table (TCompany) only.

Develop environment: Windows 7 + VS2010 + CrystalReport13


您似乎已将记录头记录(RecordDate,In,Out等)放置在“ Details”部分而不是“ Page Header”部分中

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