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How do I configure the ip address with CherryPy?

I'm using python and CherryPy to create a simple internal website that about 2 people use. I use the built in webserver with CherryPy.quickstart and never messed with the config files. I recently changed machines so I installed the latest Python and cherrypy and when I run the site I can access it from localhost:8080 but not through the IP or the windows machine name. It could be a machine configuration difference or a newer version of CherryPy or Python. Any ideas how I can bind to the correct IP address?

Edit: to make it clear, I currently don't have a config file at all.

server.socket_host: ''

...would also work. That's IPv4 INADDR_ANY, which means, "listen on all interfaces".

In a config file, the syntax is:

server.socket_host: ''

In code:

cherrypy.server.socket_host = ''

That depends on how you are running the cherrypy init.

If using cherrypy 3.1 syntax, that wold do it:

cherrypy.server.socket_host = 'www.machinename.com'

Of course you can have something more fancy, like subclassing the server class, or using config files. Those uses are covered in the documentation .

But that should be enough. If not just tell us what you are doing and cherrypy version, and I will edit this answer.

import cherrypy

class HelloWorld(object):
    def index(self):
        return "Hello World!"
    index.exposed = True

cherrypy.server.socket_host = '' # put it here 

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