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How can I register two dll:s in with the same macro using regasm in a nsis script?

I am trying to register two dll:s using a macro that takes these parameters:

!macro RegisterWithRegAsm flag executable typeLib

I call the macro like this:

!insertmacro RegisterWithRegAsm "" "Dll1.dll" "Dll1.tlb" !insertmacro RegisterWithRegAsm "" "Dll2.dll" "Dll2.tlb"

THe problem is I can only run the macro one time cause the second time the NSIS complains that I have already declared a label :

inst__: StrCpy $R1 '$R0${DOT_NET_VERSION_2_SP2}\\RegAsm.exe "$INSTDIR\\${APP_NAME_COMPACT}\\${executable}" /codebase /tlb:"$INSTDIR\\${APP_NAME_COMPACT}\\${typeLib}" /silent'

How can I move this label (and the u_inst_) outside of the macro so I can use it more than once?

ANyone know of a good site for reference? I have looked at the nsis web page but can't find references to multiple dll handling.

THanks for any ideas!

One solution is to make the label unique with a prefix:

!macro UselessExample string
!define UselessExample_lbl "UselessExample_${__LINE__}" ;prefixing with the macro name is a good way to avoid conflicts
Goto ${UselessExample_lbl}pointlessjump
DetailPrint "Hello?"
DetailPrint "${string}"
!undef UselessExample_lbl

!insertmacro UselessExample "Hello1"
!insertmacro UselessExample "Hello2"

Or if you are creating a utility function that will be called in many places it is usually better to create a function. The CallArtificialFunction stuff in util.nsh is a helper macro that makes it easy to turn a macro into a function.

!include util.nsh

!macro UselessExample string
Push "${string}"
${CallArtificialFunction} UselessExampleWorker
!macro UselessExampleWorker
Pop $0
DetailPrint $0

!insertmacro UselessExample "Hello1"
!insertmacro UselessExample "Hello2"

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