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XML data type in EF 4.1 Code First

I would like to use SQL Server xml type as a column type for an entity class.

According to this thread it's possible to map such a column to string type:

public class XmlEntity
   public int Id { get; set; }

   public string XmlValue { get; set; }

The table is correctly generated in the datebase by this definition. New XmlEntity objects are also can be created.

But then I try to get some entity from the database:

var entity = db.XmlEntities.Where(e => e.Id == 1).FirstOrDefault();

An error occurs:

One or more validation errors were detected during model generation System.Data.Edm.EdmEntityType : EntityType ' XElement ' has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType.

The problem was with my wrapper property:

public XElement XmlValueWrapper
    get { return XElement.Parse(XmlValue); }
    set { XmlValue = value.ToString(); }

I didn't specified NotMapped attribute.

Just to be complete. Here's all code needed, in one part.

[Column(TypeName = "xml")]
public String XmlContent { get; set; }

public XElement InitializedXmlContent
    get { return XElement.Parse(XmlContent); }
    set { XmlContent = value.ToString(); }

This's how you do that in Data Annotations, if you want to use Fluent API (and use a mapping class) then:

public partial class XmlEntityMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<XmlEntity>
    public FilterMap()
        // ...
        this.Property(c => c.XmlContent).HasColumnType("xml");

        this.Ignore(c => c.XmlValueWrapper);

If you use Fluent API by overriding OnModelCreating on DbContext then just change those "this" with modelBuilder.Entity<XmlEntity>()

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