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Problem deploying scheduled EJB to Glassfish server

I have a weird (?) problem with an EJB I want to deploy to my Glassfish 3.1 application server.

I have this bean, which should be executed continuously in Glassfish using the @Schedule annotation. This worked fine for me until I added some code to the EJB accessing a database.

public class MyBean implements MyBeanLocal {

    @Schedule(second = "*", minute = "*", hour = "*")
    public void initiateProcess() {

        MyCoordinator mc = new MyCoordinatorImpl();
        List<Entity> entities = mc.methodAccessingDB();

This is my EJB, which is executed every second. How I said above, I can deploy this EJB and it executed successfully, if I don't call ac.methodAccessingDB() . This means, that I can't even deploy it to Glassfish. Glassfish tells me

Invalid ejb jar [...]: it contains zero ejb. Note: 1. A valid ejb jar requires at least one session, entity (1.x/2.x style), or message-driven bean. 2. EJB3+ entity beans (@Entity) are POJOs and please package them as library jar. 3. If the jar file contains valid EJBs which are annotated with EJB component level annotations (@Stateless, @Stateful, @MessageDriven, @Singleton), please check server.log to see whether the annotations were processed properly.. Please see server.log for more details.

If I just write List<Entity> entities = null; instead of List<Entity> entities = ac.methodAccessingDB(); I can deploy it and it runs fine.

OK, now I have found the solution for this problem. The EJB couldn't find the classes on the deployed version. The solution was to pack everything into an ear project. I am using maven, so I created in the end 3 projects.

  • one for the EJB <packaging>ejb</packaging>
  • one for the EAR <packaging>ear</packaging>
  • and a third parent project, which integrates the both other projects as <module> .

I then deployed the packed ear to Glassfish and the timer started and everything was there.

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