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Hosting a winforms user control in asp.net web page

I am trying to host an existing win-forms usercontrol in a webpage. I am following the steps as sugested in the link http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/052604-1.aspx .

To summarize inline -

the sample creates a windows control library project and uses the object tag to host the control in a web page

<OBJECT id="MyWinControl1" height="200" width="200" classid="http:WinControls.dll#WinControls.WinTreeview" VIEWASTEXT>
    <PARAM NAME="Title" VALUE="My Title">

i tried the sample they had provided inline and it worked fine. Tried creating my own controls and as long as i used simple controls (check box, radio button etc) it seemed to work fine. But once i started using more complex controls like a report viewer(the actual control i am trying to host also has the same issue) the control stopped rendering. I see a empty box with a image at the top left control.

I am not sure what the problem is and how i can debug this issue.

I have used wpf xbap, its basically a wpf browser application with a windows application host control. you can then publish your application with a certificate that then needs to be imported into your browser and your good to go.

Check this link for more info

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