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How do I use jquery with zend framework, without using zendx?

I tried this in the layout file

$(document).ready(function(){ alert("hello"); } );

How do I get this simple thing working? I included jquery in the layout file, using echo $this->headScript()->appendFile(....)

Is there a way to use jquery as is? Without using zendx?

What about the following in your layout file:

$this->headScript()->appendScript('$(document).ready(function() { alert("hello"); });','text/javascript');

What I mostly do is:

$this->headScript()->appendScript('application.init();', 'text/javascript');

echo $this->headScript();

Then the application.js:

var application = {
  init : function() {
    //do here anything you like

If you want to call a specific function from let's say your controller you add this function to your application JS first:

var application = {
  init : function() {
    //do here anything you like
  bindChangeEventToSomething : function() {
    $('a').click(function() {});

Then in your controller you could add in your action:


You should be able to include jQuery without using ZendX. If you would like it to be included in every page add it in the bootstrap or in a controller if it's specific. Here's an example of what putting it in the bootstrap would look like :

protected function _initView(){
    $layout = $this->getResource('layout');
    $view = $layout->getView();

If you wish to include a js file in just a single controller/action you can include it the init/action of the controller.


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