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How to get the value of an XML attribute?

I have a XML file:

<SourceMessage xmlns="test.test">
  <title type="p1"/>
  <title type="p2"/>
  <title type="p3"/>

How could I use LINQ to get the <type> attribute of the <title> element, ie "p1", "p2" and "p3"?

Use XDocument.Load or XDocument.Parse to load the XML data into an XDocument . Then, using LINQ, you can get the type for each <title> element under the document root as follows:

XNamespace test = "test.test";

XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(file);
// - or -
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse("<SourceMessage ...");

IEnumerable<string> query = from title in doc.Root.Elements(test + "title")
                            select (string)title.Attribute("type");

foreach (string item in query)


var xElement XElement.Parse(xmlString);
var result = xElement.Descendants("title")
                     .Select(e => e.Attribute("type").Value);
XDocument xml = XDocument.Parse (@"<SourceMessage xmlns="test.test">
  <title type="p1"/>
  <title type="p2"/>
  <title type="p3"/>

foreach (var t in xml.Root.Descendants("title"))

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