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Handling TDataSet results in Xcode from Delphi XE2 Datasnap Server

I'm looking at the feasibility of using a Delphi XE2 DataSnap server pushing data from a SQL server through to an iPad application.

I've written the Datasnap server application, and am looking now at the iOS application. The TServerMethod returns the data as a TDataSet in iOS. What isn't clear is how does one go about extracting the resulting TDataSet in Xcode as a NSMutableArray? Below is the generated code in the DSProxy.m: -

-(id) getTServerMethods1_GetMileageList {
return  [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
  [DSRESTParameterMetaData parameterWithName: @"Value" withDirection:Input withDBXType:WideStringType withTypeName:@"string"],
  [DSRESTParameterMetaData parameterWithName: @"" withDirection:ReturnValue withDBXType:TableType withTypeName:@"TDataSet"],


我强烈建议您使用由Anders Ohlsson在EDN上发布的Delphi XE2和FireMonkey撰写的题为DataSnap的iOS连接

它看起来像直接JSON被发送到客户端 - 所以你应该能够使用现有的api将其转换为NSStrings,NSNumbers等。这里略有类似: NSJSONSerialization给我错误“Duplicate key”

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