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Silverlight/WP7 Animation was skipped

I have the problem when I start a new animation after a storyboards finished, this animation is not shown. The target property jumps directly to the end position defined in the animation.

My setup is:

  1. Create a storyboard once
  2. Start the first animation
  3. storyboard calls complete event
  4. Start the next animation

Both animations have the same target properties and the same storyboard.

I have those animation jumps in other cases too, but they are random.

Startup delays are the biggest cause of lost animation as it takes the start time from when Storyboard.Begin() is triggered, rather than when it gets its act together. This is a problem for very short animations.

A second issue is calling Stop() on a storyboard. That resets any changed values back to the start values (as Storyboard animation only does temporary updates on Dependency Properties). If you are running several Storyboards in sequence, do not call stop on any until the last one finishes.

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