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Disabled lazy loading EF not working correctly?

I'm trying to return several lists of elementes through a WCF Service and I want to control every object loaded in the list to avoid stack overflow exceptions on serializing and returning the result.

I populate this lists with LINQ to Entities and I have disabled Lazy Loading for the EF model... but when I try it many of the references are populated and it throws an exception when trying to return the List.

This is an example:

public class DelegacionesDAO : IDelegacionesDAO
        Model.Entities entities = new Model.Entities();

        public DelegacionesDAO()
            entities.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
            entities.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

    public List<Model.Things> GetDelegaciones()
                IQueryable<Model.Things> thingsList= from things in entities.Things
                                                     select things;

                return thingsList.ToList<Model.Things>();

This table "Things" is referenced by other like "Persons" (who have things) and this is the problem, when I try to return it, every "Thing" has a list of "Persons" and beyond.

Am I missing anything??

Thanks in advance!

Edit: Added some more code. Now it's working... I think it loads every navigation property when you try to "watch" it even if it's not loaded :-S

Now I only have the doubt if I'm doing it well by creating the entities instance in the constructor to use it through WCF.

Don't work with long-living contexts (field "entities in your case) when working with WCF:

  • It is not thread safe (especially calling SaveChanges from different threads while other threads are preparing data)
  • The context collects and associates every entity you are loading (as long as you don't explicitly use MergeOption.NoTracking)

If you have Lazy Loading turned off you have to tell EF to load the references.

Try this:

var thingsList= (from things in entities.Things
                select things) as ObjectQuery<Model.Things>;
thingsList = thingsList.Include("Persons"); //name of navigation property

return thingsList.ToList<Model.Things>();

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