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jquery / ajax - how to read a response from a jquery post() to a webservice

I'm trying to send data to a web service using jQuery's post() command - I'm getting a successful response back, I think, but I'm not sure what to use to refer to the data that is returned. Here's my code:

var insertResponse = $.post(
        NameFirst: "Joe", 
        NameLast: "Schmoe", 
        PostalCode: "11211", 
        EmailAddress: "joe@schmoe.com",
        Survey: "76:1139" 
    function() {
    }).error(function() { 

The insertResponse just returns a massive object including all data related to the processing of the response. I just want the XML that's returned. How can I retrieve it?

var insertResponse = $.post(
        NameFirst: "Joe", 
        NameLast: "Schmoe", 
        PostalCode: "11211", 
        EmailAddress: "joe@schmoe.com",
        Survey: "76:1139" 
    function(data) {//data referes to the returned data from the service
    }).error(function() { 

"The insertResponse just returns a massive object including all data related to the processing of the response. I just want the XML that's returned. How can I retrieve it?"

Does that object include a property that is the XML data though?

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