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Find max font-size for dynamic width

I'm using SASS/SCSS and want to create a @function/@mixin which will figure the max possible font-size for a container, given a dynamic width.

For example:

<body style="font-size: 10px;">
    <div style="width: 960px;"> <!--This width is dynamic-->
        <span style="font-size: 12.3em">Patrick Rocks</span>

The unknown variable in this equation is the font-size on the <span> tag. I set it to 12.3em which would be 123px (relative to the font-size of the <body> tag), but that could change depending on letter-spacing font-family or other aspects. Perhaps because of the complexity of this it would be best served to calculate this with JavaScript, or PHP.

You can't do this on the server side, as the user's font may have any dimensions. You'll have to do it in javascript, in the browser.

I've worked it through and found a solution which fits my needs. The solution only works if the following is known.

  • The exact text being used
  • The font being used
  • The default width based on the parent font-size

DEMO: http://wecodesign.com/demos/stackoverflow-7420897.htm


$logoDefaultWidth: 76; /*Pixels*/

@function getFontSize($newLogoWidth) {
    $fontSize: $newLogoWidth/$logoDefaultWidth;
    @return #{$fontSize}em;
@function pxToEm($px) {
    @return #{$px/10}em;
body {
    font-size: 10px;
.logo {
    width: pxToEm($logoDefaultWidth);
.logo.s960 {
    font-size: getFontSize(960);
.logo.s480 {
    font-size: getFontSize(480);


<div class="logo s960">Patrick Rocks</div>
<div class="logo s480">Patrick Rocks</div>


This solution has a known issue with WebKit (Chrome/Safari) browers. WebKit browsers render @font-face font's much thicker than they should, thus making the $logoDefaultWidth incorrect. I'm working on trying to find out how to stop WebKit from making the font so thick, or on a separate calculation for WebKit.

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