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f:selectItems and POJOs - once more

All the questions asking: how can I bind POJOs to h:selectXX with f:selectItems end up with answer "use a converter". However, it seems it is possible to go without the converter - see:


<h:selectManyListbox value="#{pojoBean.selected}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{pojoBean.allItems}" var="i" itemValue="#{i}" itemLabel="#{i.txt}" />


public class PojoBean {
    List<MyItem> selected;
    List<MyItem> allItems;


public class MyItem {
    private String txt;

Note that this seems to work only with h:selectManyListbox, when the value/s being selected end up in a list, not in a single property.

Question - why doesn't it work with h:selectOneMenu and etc?

Likely your MyItem class has already the toString() overridden which returns the txt and you were plain printing selected as follows to determine the selected values:


Try to cast each item of selected back to MyItem :

for (MyItem myItem : selected) {

You'll see that it fails with ClassCastException , because it's actually a String . So yes, you still need a converter here.

See also:

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