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Backbone.js unable to access the router functions?

I have a simple implementation of Backbone.js which goes like this -

    Workspace = Backbone.Router.extend({
    routes: {
    "/getAcademics": "academics"

    academics: function(){
var myWorkspace = new Workspace;

The link in the body is given as -

     <a href="#/getAcademics">Academics</a>

Though the router routes to the link #/getAcademics but it does not execute the function academics. Any clues as how to rectify this. Am I missing something else.


After you instantiate your router, and before you attempt to use any of its routes, you need to call Backbone.history.start(). This will setup a listener for hash changes and call the correct route functions when needed.

You can find more information here: http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/#History

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