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Assigning Layout in cakephp

Can we define a Layout for whole controller in that particular controller?I have used before filter of the appcontroller for this purpose earlier but it doesnt solves it any more.So i need that there should be some definition of layout in controller that would apply for all the actions of that controller.


use it:

inside your action

$this->layout = 'mylayout';

you have to create that layout in view/layout/mylayout.ctp

or add this function to controller to set layout for each action of controller

  function beforeFilter() {
        $this->layout = 'mylayout';

The best way to do some thing like this

var $layout = 'my_account';

This will apply to your entire controller. After adding this code it will look something like this.

class MyAccountsController extends AppController {
    var $name = 'MyAccounts';
    var $components = array('Email');
    var $layout = 'my_account';

If you do not want to use some of the action you can explicitly define in your action like this

function my_action(){
    $this->layout = 'another_layout';

Now this my_action will take another layout and rest of the action will take my_account layout

For CakePHP 3.0 Red Velvet

Layout file location:


New param:


*"loginUI" is file name layout

Yes we can. You just need to create your layout file under Template>>Layout>>yourlayout.ctp Then load this layout along with the Controller by:

class MyController extends AppController {
    public function initialize(){
        parent :: initialize();
        $this->layout = "yourlayout";


this will automatically implement this layout as default for the Controller. you might want to use $this->viewBuilder->layout("yourlayout"); inside the initialize() but it leads to error "Call to member function layout() on boolean". So instead you can use the former.

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