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Problem with INSERTing to MySQL table, by PHP PDO

I creating simple application, first time used PDO, and stuck on problem...
I searched web for something analogical, but didn't find it.
I cannot insert data into tables. Auto increment value is changing, so some data are sent to table.
If I echo query with values from variable, copy and paste it to phpmyadmin, row is inserted properly.
Log contain same query, MySQL and PHP don't return any errors...

Now what I have:

Class article:

class article{
    private function findMaxSortId($pdo_object){
                    SELECT MAX(sort_id) as max_id
                    FROM articles";
        catch(PDOException $eSortId){
        return $return;
    public function createArticle($pdo_object, $title, $body, $visible, $incerase_sort_id=2){

            INSERT INTO `articles` (sort_id, visible, title, body)
            VALUES ('".$sort_id."', '".$visible."', '".$title."', '".$body."')
        return $return;


    if (isset($_POST['visible'])) {
    require_once 'class/class.article.php';
    $art = new article();
    $art->createArticle($pdo, $_POST['title'], $_POST['body'], $visible);

articles table in db:

CREATE TABLE `articles` (
    `article_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `sort_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
    `visible` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
    `title` varchar(200) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
    `body` text COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci,
    PRIMARY KEY (`article_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci; 

What I am doing wrong?
Please help.

Looks, like problem is more complicated.
I cannot do any operation that write something in DB with PDO.
I can query DB and "read" values, but if i use INSERT or UPDATE, nothing is happening.
I use WampServer 2.1 on 64bit OS.
I can do it without PDO, with mysql query, fetch, etc. ...

You should use prepared statements instead of those crazy query creation code. Something like:

$stmt = $pdo_object->prepare('INSERT INTO `articles` (sort_id, visible, title, body)
            VALUES (:id, :visible, :title, :body)');
$stmt->execute(array(':id' => $sort_id,
                     ':visible' => $visible,
                     ':title' => $title,
                     ':body' => $body));

It will prevent nasty SQL injection which you don't want.

To see SQL errors you may have, a call to $pdo_object->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); so it will throw exceptions in case of error. Don't use this like that in a production environment as it gives your database login and password in the exception message.

I'd also advise you to use transactions around your code so you don't have multiple articles using the same sort_id if created at the same moment.

public function createArticle($pdo_object, $title, $body, $visible, $incerase_sort_id=2){

    $stmt = $pdo_object->prepare('INSERT INTO `articles` (sort_id, visible, title, body)
                VALUES (:id, :visible, :title, :body)');
    $stmt->execute(array(':id' => $sort_id,
                         ':visible' => $visible,
                         ':title' => $title,
                         ':body' => $body));
  }catch(Exception $e){
    return null;
  return $return;

This is wrong:

        INSERT INTO `articles` (sort_id, visible, title, body)
        VALUES (`".$sort_id."`, `".$visible."`, `".$title."`, `".$body."`)

You should replace backticks with single or double quotes:

        INSERT INTO `articles` (sort_id, visible, title, body)
        VALUES ('".$sort_id."', '".$visible."', '".$title."', '".$body."')

Backticks are to be used for table and field names.

处理值时,请尝试用引号替换INSERT INTO中的反引号。

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