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OpenGL ES: Drawing small objects

To best illustrate the issue I'm having, I created a short screen grab. Watch it here: http://cl.ly/1o3p3x2e2J1a1d3d2N1Q

Basically, the stars on the screen, as they're animated across the screen from right to left, are dimming and brightening on their own. I'm not intending on this happening. When you zoom in, the issue disappears.

My hunch is that this has to do with the size of the objects being drawn and the pixel boundaries. Is this correct? What is the best way to go about fixing this issue?


Here's how I'm loading the texture: http://pastebin.com/RDc8x7Te
And, here's how I'm setting up OpenGL ES: http://pastebin.com/SpvAqPqA

You use nearest and linear for scaling textures, which are both not very accurate. You might want to use linear for both, or build mipmaps. Also in case you use an orthogonal view, try aligning your geometry on pixels.

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