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reading node from xml file in XMLDocument

i am trying to grab the TopicName how should i go after it and try different combination but somehow i am unable to get TopicName below is my source codee...

XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument();//xml doc used for xml parsing

        );//loading XML in xml doc

    XmlNodeList xNodelst = xdoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("content");//reading node so that we can traverse thorugh the XML

    foreach (XmlNode xNode in xNodelst)//traversing XML 
        //litFeed.Text += "read";

sample xml file

<content type="application/xml">
 <CatalogItems xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="sitename.xsd">
        <CatalogSource Acronym="ABC" OrganizationName="ABC Corporation" />
        <CatalogItem Id="3212" CatalogUrl="urlname">
          <ContentItem xmlns:content="sitename.xsd" TargetUrl="url">
            <content:SelectionSpec ClassList="" ElementList="" />
            <content:Language Value="eng" Scheme="ISO 639-2" />
            <content:Source Acronym="ABC" OrganizationName="ABC Corporation" />
            <content:Topics Scheme="ABC">
              <content:Topic TopicName="Marketing" />
              <content:Topic TopiccName="Coverage" />

The Topic nodes in your XML are using the content namespace - you need to declare and use the XML namespace in your code, then you can use SelectNodes() to grab the nodes of interest - this worked for me:

XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xdoc.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("content", "sitename.xsd");

var topicNodes = xdoc.SelectNodes("//content:Topic", nsmgr);

foreach (XmlNode node in topicNodes)
    string topic = node.Attributes["TopicName"].Value;

Just as a comparison see how easy this would be with Linq to XML:

XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("test.xml");
XNamespace ns = "sitename.xsd";
string topic = xdoc.Descendants(ns + "Topic")
                   .Select(x => (string)x.Attribute("TopicName"))

To get all topics you can replace the last statement with:

var topics = xdoc.Descendants(ns + "Topic")
                 .Select(x => (string)x.Attribute("TopicName"))

If you just need a specific element, then I'd use XPath:

This is a guide to use XPath in C#: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/XML/usingXPathNavigator.aspx

And this is the query that will get you a collection of your Topics:


You could tweak this query depending on what it is you're trying to accomplish, grabbing just a specific TopicName value:


XPath is pretty easy to learn. I've done stuff like this pretty quickly with no prior knowledge.

You can paste you XML and xpath query here to test your queries:


The following quick and dirty LINQ to XML code obtains your TopicNames and prints them on the console.

XDocument lDoc = XDocument.Load(lXmlDocUri);

foreach (var lElement in lDoc.Element("content").Element(XName.Get("CatalogItems", "sitename.xsd")).Elements(XName.Get("CatalogItem", "sitename.xsd")))
     foreach (var lContentTopic in lElement.Element(XName.Get("ContentItem", "sitename.xsd")).Element(XName.Get("Topics", "sitename.xsd")).Elements(XName.Get("Topic", "sitename.xsd")))
           string lTitle = lContentTopic.Attribute("TopicName").Value;

It'd have been a lot shorter if it wasn't for all the namespaces :) (Instead of "XName.Get" you would just use the name of the element).

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