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Silverlight Splash Screen within XAP

Ok, this might be a silly question but...

Is it possible to have a custom xaml load/splash screen within the xap?

There is a game site I wish to upload my Silverlight game to, which only allows a single xap to be uploaded, and so I wondered whether there is a possibility of modifying the splash screen that it uses.

My gut feeling is that this is impossible, but I thought I might as well ask.

You can't have a true splash screen that is within the xap file. The whole point is that the splash screen is displayed while the xap file is downloading, so it can't be inside of it.

MSDN上有一个很棒的页面,详细介绍了初始屏幕的几个不同方面,还有一个指导性文章 ,指导您完成基本过程。

Who ever is hosting these silverlight games should be responsible for having their "splash screen" for when the xap's are loading.

However, there is nothing from preventing you to create your own splash screen(s) as these are typical within games (and no, the point of a splash screen is not necessarily to hide the downloading/loading of something, especially in a game).

Hope that helps.

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