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JavaScript RegExp help for BBCode

I have this RegExp expression I found couple weeks ago


And it's working to find the BBCode tags such as [url] and [code] .

However if I try [url="http://www.google.com"] it won't match. I'm not very good at RegExp and I can't figure out how to still be valid but the ="http://www.google.com" be optional.

This also fails for [color="red"] but figure it is the same issue the url tag is having.

This part: [^\\x00-\\x1F"'\\(\\)<>\\[\\]] says that after the = there must not be a ". That means your regexp matches [url=http://stackoverflow.com] . If you want to have quotes you can simply put them around your capturing group:


I think you would benefit from explicitly enumerating all the tags you want to match, since it should allow matching the closing tag more specifically.

Here's a sample code :

var tags = [ 'url', 'code', 'b' ]; // add more tags

var regParts = tags.map(function (tag) {
    return '(\\[' + tag + '(?:="[^"]*")?\\](?=.*?\\[\\/' + tag + '\\]))';

var re = new RegExp(regParts.join('|'), 'g');

You might notice that the regular expression is composed from a set of smaller ones, each representing a single tag with a possible attribute ( (?:="[^"]*")? , see explanation below) of variable length, like [url="google.com"] , and separated with the alternation operator | .

(="[^"]*")? means an = symbol, then a double quote, followed by any symbol other than double quote ( [^"] ) in any quantity, ie 0 or more, ( * ), followed by a closing quote. The final ? means that the whole group may not be present at all.

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